Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bible Studying Tips

A seasoned real estate professional, Conan Hunsaker enjoys spending time with his family in various past time activities. Conan Hunsaker also spends time studying the Bible.

For individuals who are interested in studying the Bible, there are a number of tips which can be helpful. First, you should intentionally set aside time to study the Bible. It can be in the morning, in the evening, or any time that best suits you.

You should also be mentally and emotional prepared before studying. When studying, it is best to have a peaceful frame of mind and let the Lord enter your heart. Another tip is to choose a location where you can be alone and comfortable; this may be your room or even the library.

In studying the Bible, it is advisable to have a Bible dictionary, a Bible concordance, as well as a pen and paper. All the materials you need should be at hand so you will not be interrupted to go somewhere and get a needed material.

Lastly, you should not only absorb what we read but also try to apply it in your daily life by putting into practice what God has taught us.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Freshwater vs. Saltwater Fishing


An experienced outdoorsman, Conan Hunsaker enjoys taking his children on fishing trips to catch freshwater trout. When he has the opportunity, Conan Hunsaker also participates in saltwater fishing.

The major distinction between saltwater and freshwater fishing centers on the types of fish one is likely to catch. Freshwater sport may occur in a river, tributary, stream, lake, or pond, where a 16-pound fish is considered a large catch. Larger fish are known to live in freshwater habitats, however; one of the heaviest freshwater catfish ever caught exceeded 640 pounds.

Saltwater fishing, on the other hand, typically takes place on the ocean, which is a much more expansive and complex habitat than freshwater systems. Therefore, saltwater environments can support a greater range of life, from the tiniest plankton to the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale. Fishermen may decide to focus on smaller fish when on saltwater, but they may also take the opportunity to fish for species like blue marlin, an animal that weighs nearly a ton.

Because saltwater fishing has different demands than freshwater, the equipment differs as well. Fishing for marlin, for example, requires specialized rods capable of supporting very long lines and withstanding much greater force than the average freshwater reel. Equipment also requires greater upkeep due to the corrosive properties of saltwater.